Meet Caitlyn

Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

Caitlyn is a skilled psychotherapist in El Segundo with a deep understanding of LGBTQIA, kink and BDSM topics.

A southern California native, Caitlyn studied at Cal Poly Pomona and then Antioch University Los Angeles, where she completed a master’s degree in applied psychology. She served as a school-based counselor for junior high schools in the Downey Unified School District, supporting adolescents by working on self-awareness and skill-building within layers of family and social systems to build self-esteem and healthy relationships. She has also counseled adults experiencing relational stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, family conflict, occupational stress, addictive and unhelpful patterns as well as body image concerns.

Caitlyn gained deeper understandings through phase 1 training in Brainspotting, as well as a certification in spiritual life coaching through the Highest Self Institute. Her purpose is to support people in living their fullest and most authentic lives, with their own purpose, starting right where they are at. She is able to see the light and highest potential in those she connects with, as well as what obstacles are in their path. She takes a holistic approach to mental health, knowing all aspects of an individual’s context play into their current state of being. Her role in mental health is strongly connected to her daily practice of living intentionally and mindfully, with joy.

Caitlyn currently serves as a therapist at Soul 2 Soul Healing in person, virtually and at grade schools in the Manhattan Beach Unified School District. She enjoys drawing from the techniques that she and the client feel best suit their unique experience, co-creating the therapeutic relationship. She is happy to talk about diagnosis when it serves the client.

Her favorite approaches and techniques to draw from include: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Family systems, Brainspotting, creative and expressive therapies that include painting or writing with children and adults, Coaching, Meditation and Visualization. She also brings movement into session when that is helpful and desired, such as yoga poses and dance.

In her adolescence and young adulthood, Caitlyn had many adventures including religious cult trauma and brainwashing, and she experienced nearly debilitating anxiety and panic attacks, and then Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, all of which she no longer experiences, a testimony to the power of healing and the human ability to heal and thrive. She always knew she would help others walk through the darkness so they would not be stuck in psychological, emotional or physical pain and live in the light and joy that exists despite these pains.

She has a warm and unconditionally respectful presence and is skilled at attuning to the individual and staying with them through their experience. She enjoys working with mindset optimization, self-actualization, anxiety, depression, trauma, relationships, unhelpful patterns and behaviors, and all the challenges and delights of learning and knowing oneself in this world.

Caitlyn is welcoming and understanding of LGBTQIA, kink and BDSM topics and she focuses on personal truth and inner freedom, as well as consent and education. She lives as her authentic self, as someone who lives to love life. She studied landscape design before studying psychology and has a true appreciation for the way spaces affect people. She enjoys the beach, mountains and desert, art, dogs, meditation, yoga, writing, listening to music and dancing in whatever fluid or weird manner fits the moment. Her aspirations include public speaking, getting published, creating a podcast, creating groups and retreats and continuing to raise the vibe.

To schedule a consultation with Caitlyn, please call us at (424) 277-1777.

Caitlyn Davis, AMFT

Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

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In this fifteen minute consultation you’ll have an opportunity to tell your story and share your struggles. Together we’ll identify what you really need and want and determine the best course of action for you.
